Together, we can

Build a world where all youth are safe

Together, we can build a world where every young person feels safe, supported, and empowered. At Dsquare Gaming, we’ve had the privilege of improving the lives of over 5,500 youth through direct, meaningful actions. These young individuals, from diverse backgrounds, teach us valuable lessons about the parts of society that need healing. They show us the gaps, and together, we strive to fill those spaces with hope, compassion, and opportunity.

The image captures the essence of our mission: “For the Community, From the Community.” It showcases the heart of what we do—extending a helping hand to those in need. Whether we’re delivering warm coats to children in remote villages, offering essential food and supplies, or bringing joy to local orphanages, we are committed to making a real difference, step by step.

These photos represent more than just moments; they reflect our unwavering dedication to uplifting underprivileged communities. From the mountains to urban centers, our reach is wide, but our goal is singular—to create lasting change. You can see the impact in the smiles of the children, the relief of the families, and the hard work of our volunteers, all of whom are driven by a desire to spread kindness.

We are proud to stand with a community that believes in giving back. At Dsquare Gaming, our actions speak louder than words. Together, we are building a brighter future, one act of kindness at a time.

Merch Concept

This is our new Merch Concept

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when

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I'm not a player. I'm a gamer. Players get chicks. I get achievements.

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रू ३०,०००/- हजार सहयोग पठाएका छौ।

खोई संसार देख्ने र देखाउनेको यो भिडमा जिवन चल्ने र चलाउने चक्रमा आफ्नौ गर्भ बाहेकका छोराछोरीको आमा बनिरहदा कयौ बाबु आमाको सन्तान पनि बन्ने भाग्य

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समय र परस्थीतिसँग जुध्दै गर्दा हामीले तपाईको यो पिडालाई देखेर एउटा दरिलो खम्बा बन्न आईपुगेका छौ।

५० हजार सहयोग पठाएका छौ। आमा शब्दको महत्व त्याग बलिदान र सर्मप्रण सगँ जोडिएको छ । जीवनमा आईपर्ने कतिपय दु:ख समयसगैं विलिन हुन्छन, कतिले सिकाउछन

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“आपा मलाई केहि रोग छैन रे Doctor ले भनेको” भन्दै तपाईको HERO घर आउने छ।

रू ७५,००० हजार सहयोग पठाएको छु सम्झना छ मलाई जब तपाइले बाबु बिरामी भएको खबर सुनाउनु भएको थियो । त्यो १८ महिने बालकलाइ लागेको यो

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